We believe the answer is YES!

Transition to online tutoring, where all of the teacher’s attention is focused on the student, brings visible rise in the quality of teaching. While conducting our classes we base them on the 5 pillars of effective online education:

Experience of teachers at Tuteer

Our tutors have given tutorials in a digital form for a significant amount of time, some of them for almost a decade. It is our natural didactic environment into which we introduce all of our students from the very first class.

Highly interactive learning environment

Online teaching allows for usage of cutting-edge and immersive techniques and tools. We utilize a professional online board, which we have adapted to the needs of tutoring. Every student has 24/7 access to it from every device (including mobile phones and tablets). Due to its accessible form it plays the role of an “online notebook”.

Technical preparation and flexibility

Our teachers work on superior setups, which guarantees a high quality audio visual connection. It provides a full immersion and comfort of the meetings. All tutors are trained in the field of distance communication and happily adjust themselves to the preferred online communicators. The high efficiency of our specialists in working with digitized scientific materials allows us to transfer more knowledge during a single class.

Access to tutors’ knowledge also between classes

The online form of teaching is not bound by distance. At Tuteer every student has a right and opportunity to message their tutors during the day in order to ask about a topic that seems unclear to them. If possible, our educators will respond in their free time or prepare to explain the issue during the next class.

Pleasant atmosphere and comprehensive approach towards students

At Tuteer we are more than just specialists in our fields. We know that students vary in terms of character and maturity, which is why we address everyone individually. Apart from revising, broadening and systematizing knowledge, we support our students with stress management and exam taking techniques.

An additional benefit that we see in online teaching is time saved by the students and parents as commuting problems go into oblivion. On top of that we offer flexible teaching hours due to which we may meet almost at any time you choose.

An additional benefit that we see in online teaching is time saved by the students and parents as commuting problems go into oblivion. On top of that we offer flexible teaching hours due to which we may meet almost at any time you choose.